Sunday, May 22, 2011

Indian schistosomes need of further investigations

I have contributed above article in the Journal of Parasitology Research which is a on line journal .In fact, this paper is the invitation to international scientists to work (particularly molecular studies) on Indian schistosomes and their interactions in different host species . It is interesting to know why Indian pigs have innate resistance to all Indian schistosomes except S.incognitum or why Sheep,goats suffer acutely with S.indicum,S.spindale,S.incognitum but S.nasale fails to reach to maturity in them. In my opinion, immunological studies in these lines will pave the way how man can be protected with pathogenic schistosome species.
This paper can be accessed by clicking here.



this article has been withdrawn from annals of tropicalmedicine and now accepted in Journal of Parasitology research with some change in title "INDIAN SCHISTOSOMIASIS; NEED OF FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS BY M.C.AGRAWAL AND VG RAO.
The journal is a free assess on line journal.

Dr MC Agrawal said...

for knowing more on Indian schistosomes , please assess following article ,published in free assess on line journal

MC Agrawal and VG Rao Indian schistosomes: A need for further investigations. Journal of Parasitology Research Vol 2011 Article ID 250868 4 pages,2011. doi: 10.1155/2011/250868 visit

Dr MC Agrawal said...

pl publish the comment to search the free assess journal